● Who are we?

 "Tears of The African Elephant" is a Japanese NPO established in 2012 which aims to eliminate and protect the endangered African elephant from illegal poaching. In 2015, we began the conservation of endangered rhinos. Similar to the African elephants, the poaching and illegal marketing of the rhinos have drastically increased throughout years. Currently, due to the high demands for rhino horns from countries such as China and Vietnam, more than thousands of rhinoceros are poached in Africa annually.  It is widely believed in Vietnam and China that the horns can cure diseases and alleviate pain. However, this is merely the truth but a superstition. In fact, it has been proved that these horns hold no medicinal or curing effects. 

Link : https://www.taelephants.org/english


 私達は、2012年、象牙のために密猟され絶滅危機にあるアフリカゾウを守るために設立された"Tears of The African Elephant " という日本のNPOです。 2015年から、ゾウと同じように密猟が原因で絶滅危機となっているサイの保護活動も始めました。中国やベトナムで角の需要があるために、1年間に千頭以上のサイがアフリカで密猟されています。ベトナムや中国では、サイ角に薬の効果があると信じられていますが、これは迷信に過ぎず、実際には薬効はないのです。


● What is "Vietnam Saves Rhinos"?

Vietnam, along with China, is the world's largest consumers for rhino horns. For the wealthy classes in these countries, rhino horns are also a symbol of status. Poachings are encouraged by illegal trades at high prices and demands. As a result, these rhinos are on a verge of extinction. In response to this crisis, we started a campaign, “Vietnam Saves Rhino” with  cooperation with Vietnamese young people to eliminate the  consumption of rhino horns.


ベトナムは、中国と共に世界最大のサイ角の消費国です。これらの国の富裕層にとっては、サイの角はステータス・シンボルでもあります。不法なサイ角の高値の売買により密猟が急増、サイは深刻な絶滅の危機です。そこで私達は、ベトナムの若者たちと協力して、ベトナムの富裕層のサイ角の消費をゼロにすることを目指すキャンペーン"Vietnam Saves Rhinos" を始めました。



● Rhino horn is not used in Japan?

 Back in the days, rhino horns were also used as a mean for medical cures and herbal  treatments in Japan. However, in 1980, after implementing CITES (Convention on the  International Trade in Endangered Species), the import of rhino horns were prohibited. As a  result, the demand for rhino horns in Japan, unlike Vietnam and China, has stopped.



● Why do we do this?
Currently, rhino horns are not sold in Japan, nevertheless, ivories are still legally sold around  the country. Common uses for ivory include the production of hanko stamps and traditional  musical instruments. We aim to eradicate this trade for ivory by reaching out to the public as  well as the Japanese government, despite challenges. The eradication of the consumption of  rhino horns in Vietnam is equally hard and a long term process. However, through cooperating  with the Vietnamese local and spreading wareness of the dire conditions of rhinos, we strive  for the better future of these precious animals.


現在、日本でサイ角は売られていませんが、象牙製品はまだ合法的に売られています。象牙はハンコや伝統楽器などのために使われています。私達は、日本人に象牙製品を売買することを止めるように呼びかけています。そして、日本政府に国内の象牙市場の閉鎖を求めています。しかし、どちらも実現は簡単ではありません。その経験から、ベトナムでサイ角の消費を止めることの難しさがわかります。だから、同じ問題を抱えるアジア人として ベトナム人と協力して、問題を解決したいと思っています。


● Vietnam and Japan
Currently, the rate of Vietnamese students studying abroad in Japan has skyrocketed. As a result, the Japanese language and culture has been widely popular among Vietnamese people. We hope that our message attracts the interest of the Vietnamese public to spread the idea of the illegal poachings and use of rhino horns.



●Event in Japan

 The danger these rhinos are facing due to poaching is not yet widely known among the Japanese public. We aim to inform the detrimental states of the Rhinos through global conventions and events such as Earth Day, World Rhino Day, and Global March for Elephants and Rhinos in major cities like Tokyo.

 Link : https://saverhino.jimdo.com/Annual Event/


サイが密猟のために絶滅危機にあることを知っている日本人はまだ少ないです。私たちは、Earth Day, World Rhino Day, Global March for Elephants and Rhinos などの世界的なイベントの機会を利用して、東京で日本人にサイの現状を広く知らせています。

●Event in Vietnam

 In May 2016, at the IEON Mall in Hanoi, we opened the “Vietnam Saves Rhinos” campaign.There, many Vietnamese people came to support the conservation of Rhinos. It is scheduled that another campaign will be held in November 2017 in Hanoi.
Link: https://saverhino.jimdo.com/vientam-saves-rhinos- is /


 2016年5月、ハノイのイオンモールで、"Vietnam Saves Rhinos" キャンペーンを実施したところ、多くのベトナム人が来て、サイ保護のためのメッセージを残してくれました。2017年11月には、またはハノイで実施予定です。